HCO Confessionals | LRH vs COB

LRH — Founder of Dianetics and Scientology
LRH covered very clearly when HCO Confessionals are done:
“… the usual circumstances under which an HCO Confessional is done are that the person is already undergoing a Comm Ev or other ethics investigatory action or is working through lower ethics conditions…”
HCO PL 7 January 1985
HCO Confessionals
(OEC Vol. 1, p. 648)
“The statement ‘I am not auditing you’ only occurs when a Confessional is done for justice reasons… (By ‘justice reasons’ is meant when a person is refusing to come clean on a Comm Ev, B of I, etc., or as part of a specific HCO investigation when the person is withholding data or evidence from such HCO personnel.)”
HCOB 30 November 1978R
Confessional Procedure
(Tech Vol. XI, p. 359)
LRH also warned of the dangers of trying to handle something before there’s anything to handle:
“The basic flaw in organization is INSPECTION BEFORE THE FACT. That means inspection before anything bad has happened.
“Violations are so harmful they destroy every great civilization the Roman, the British, the lot. For every flow is slowed or stopped….
“Passports, customs, safety regulations, general government interference before anything bad has occurred, add up to a SUPPRESSIVE SOCIETY and therefore, soon enough, a dead one.
“Penalty after the fact has occurred disciplines the criminals and does not pull down the majority to criminal level.”
HCO PL 6 February 1968
Organization The Flaw
(OEC Vol 0, p. 66)

In 1982, for the first time ever, an HCO Confessional was added to the Bridge for all pre-OTs going onto their OT Levels. It was done in accordance with the recent issuance of HCO PL Eligibility for OT Levels (9 March 1982RB: OEC Vol 4, p. 816). Questions about whether LRH even wrote it or not aside (it’s been revised at least 4 times since then), the first Eligibility checks took the average pre-OT just a handful of hours to complete.
In the ensuing years, COB and his management team expanded the use of these HCO Confessionals to more and more points on the Bridge. Today, a pre-OT receives an Eligibility confessional not only before New OT I, but another before New OT V, another before New OT VII, and another every six months thereafter.
This is the first time in Scientology history in which HCO Confessionals are done on upstats. In fact, those who receive the most HCO sec checking new OT VII pre-its are the very ones referred to as “the most upstat people on the planet” by COB himself.
As a result, high-producing OT VIIs who have shown no evidence of out-ethics are turned into ethics particles every 6 months. This is even more true of an OT VII completion, whose very next action after attesting is an even longer and more extensive HCO sec check before OT VIII.