The training of auditors is, therefore, the single most important activity in Scientology, and its statistic is the single strongest indicator of the success or failure of Scientology management.
LRH also spells out, in numerous policies and bulletins, why auditor training is the senior product of all orgs and a must for all Scientologists:

“When you, as an auditor, accomplish your mission with a single preclear, you increase your confidence and your general ability, you increase your capability and what you can do for the universe at large and you win.”
The Auditor, 1968
You As An Auditor
(Tech Vol. VIII, p. 169)
“Getting to be an excellent auditor is a must if one merely wishes to live. But one dynamic isn’t enough. It takes all the dynamics to make a freedom. Therefore, to be Clear is not enough. To be a cleared auditor and to handle and audit people is a must if we wish to be totally free.
Ability Mag., Issue #72
Late April, 1958
(Tech Vol. IV, p. 329)
Anatomy of the Spirit of Man lectures
“As an auditor you can do something about life, you can confront it and have a much wider, broader view of life and people than any person, regardless of their state of case, who is not an auditor.”
The Auditor, 1968
You As An Auditor
(Tech Vol. VIII, p. 169)
“It is surely, surely true that nobody will make OT without training.”
HCO P/L 17 March 1965 Issue I
Clearing and Training
(OEC Vol. 4, p. 614)