Handling of Field Auditors | LRH vs COB

L. Ron Hubbard - Founder of Dianetics and Scientology

LRH — Founder of Dianetics and Scientology

“It is no real concern of ours to try to hold the field versions standard …. A militant org attitude to keep the field straight is silly. Let them flub as you are trying to control something you cannot.”

HCO PL 10 December 1969
“Superior Service Image”
(OEC Vol. 4, p. 124)

David Miscavige (COB*) - Leader of Scientology since LRH's death


At the OT Summit in late 2005, COB announced his plans for “100% perfect auditing at all echelons of Scientology.”

A new post, “Bridge Tracking I/C,” was established at Flag and AOLA to monitor the field.

Each field auditor was ordered, per I-HELP Executive Directive #3 (28 January 2006), to list out the names of each of his pcs and to categorize them on a scale of 1 to 4 based on their current progress up the Bridge.

Qual terminals from Flag and ASHO then visited each auditor in their area. They inspected folders, wrote crams/retreads, and took pictures of the auditor’s home and auditing room.

The plan, according to Qual Sec ASHO Day, is to continue these home inspections until each field auditor gets a “pass.”

This is the tightest rein ever held over field auditors in Scientology history.