A Chronology The following is a brief chronology of the out-tech David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board (COB) of the Religious Technology Center, has injected into the training line-up since his rise to power in the early 1980s. 1 9 8 2 Missions At the Mission...
"...the stuff of which coffins are made." Over the past twenty years, at Scientology events as well as in special closed-door briefings to select staff and public, COB has announced a number of different Whys for the lack of high-volume training of auditors. Below, we...
"…the root of every bad condition…" Devastating as the effects of wrong Whys and arbitraries are, however, they are not in and of themselves the root cause for the crash in training. There is an underlying factor which explains why so many wrong Whys would be found in...
The training of auditors is, therefore, the single most important activity in Scientology, and its statistic is the single strongest indicator of the success or failure of Scientology management. LRH also spells out, in numerous policies and bulletins, why auditor...
For this reason, we have compared the training stats produced under LRH with those today. Wherever possible, we have scanned the original publications which feature these stats so the reader can see them for himself. 1. Dianetic Auditors In early 1971, ASHO’s The...
When confronted with proof of an unprecedented crash at all levels of training, staff and public often respond with justifications and reasons why. “One often wonders why people are so ‘reasonable’ about intolerable and illogical situations. “The answer is...